(Urgent) Phy 電磁達人請進

2008-04-09 10:51 pm
我想問......係咁多條 hand rules (e.g. Fleming's left hand rule)
當中嘅 current 係唔係跟 conventional current 嘅方向? ( i.e. 由正極出 )

以及....係 Radiation 果課中.....
書話可以用 Fleming's left hand rule 黎搵 deflection 嘅方向
但係只知道 magnetic field 嘅方向.....冇 electric field 咁點搵呢???

For M&A: 照咁講....當我地用 Fleming's left hand rule 黎 determine beta 嘅 deflection 方向時... Current 嘅方向係唔係同 Beta 前進嘅方向相反? ( 因為 current 嘅方向係 electrons 嘅相反?)

回答 (1)

2008-04-10 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Referring to your question,
1. 當中嘅 current 係唔係跟 conventional current 嘅方向? ( i.e. 由正極 ):

The answer is Yes ; However, please be reminded that the current is almost opposite the direction of electron flowing. Negative pole provides the electrons , which will be attracted by postive pole to flow into the postive plioe. At the same time, the current will be flow from positve pole to negative pole. The energy conversation is occured.

2. 書話可以用 Fleming's left hand rule 黎搵 deflection 嘅方向
但係只知道 magnetic field 嘅方向.....冇 electric field 咁點搵呢???

Yes, we would check and get the deflection by Fleming s left hand rule.
It is because :

Referring to the concept, Radiation which can be classified as ionizing or non- ionizing radiation, depending on its effect on atomic matter,
On the process of Radiation, there is enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules.

When we know the flow direction of Beta, that means we know the direction of current flowing because Beta consists of the electron ( Negative Electron). So, we would predict the direction of deflection when getting the direction of magnetic field and flow of current by using Fleming 's left hand rule.

Please let us know if you have any further inquiry.

Good Luck.

2008-04-14 09:53:57 補充:
Yes, the Bela consists of Electron.
參考: Personal experience, personal experience.

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