剛學會計... 想問如何分別Debit & Credit

2008-04-09 7:22 pm
1) 請問有沒有方法可以容易分別是那一方呢?
2) 有沒有方法或 公式可以再確認?

可否給我一些例子, 例子詳細和容易明白, 謝謝~~

回答 (2)

2008-04-09 9:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 會計科目主要分下列幾類:
- 資產:增加就係借方(Debit)
- 負債:增加就係貸方(Credit)
- 股本:增加就係貸方(Credit)
- 收入:增加就係貸方(Credit)
- 費用:增加就係借方(Debit)
例:股東投入港幣十萬認購公司股份,咁就借(Dr):銀行(資產類) 十萬元 貸(Cr)股本 十萬元
2008-04-09 8:04 pm
when Asset side = Capital side
Increase in asset side = debit
Increase in captial side = credit

eg.if you open a company using $100 to buy the building, then you have a debit balance in asset side of $100 for the building, and a credit balance in the Capital side of $100 for the capital you invested.
參考: my knowledge

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