
2008-04-09 5:11 pm
通常係網上留左message, 幾耐先會回覆?

回答 (2)

2008-04-09 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- 兩至三天內

- 我D朋友去過港、九、新界o既家計會檢查, 都只係見過女醫生, 冇見過男醫生喎 (有D女性朋友去做婚前檢查, 都係女醫生幫佢同佢老公檢查o架) 你到時不妨問o下啦!!
2008-04-09 5:19 pm
I don't know when will the reply take time.
But I have try to Phone call, then leave a message, they reply me at the day afternoon, and then I can book the checking for body.

When I arrive 家計會, I told the nurse, I want female doctor lor~
參考: me

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