Math Challenge?

2008-04-08 9:01 pm
1) When the six-digit number 3456N7 is divided by 8, the remainder is 5. List both possible values of the digit N.

2)The average of four consecutive even intergers is 17. Find the largest of the four integers.

回答 (6)

2008-04-08 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) First notice that 3456/8=432, and so these are the first 4 digits of the quotient. As we know the remainder is 5, we know that 3456N2 is a multiple of 8. We know 3456 is a multiple 8, so N2 is a multiple of 8. This means N=3 or 7

2) Let n be the number we want to find. Then the numbers in the sequence are n-6, n-4, n-2, n. The sum of these is 4n-12.
The average of these is n-3. We know the average = 17, so n=20
2008-04-08 9:08 pm
1. 3 and 7

2. 20. (Avg of 20, 18, 16, 14 is 17)
2008-04-08 9:08 pm
1) The value of N is 3 or 7

2) Let n be the largest of 4 consecutive integers

n + (n - 2) + (n - 4) + (n - 6) = 4 * 17
n + (n - 2) + (n - 4) + (n - 6) = 68
4n - 12 = 68
4n = 80
n = 20
2008-04-08 9:07 pm
1) 3 and 7

2) 20
2008-04-08 9:06 pm
1) N = 4,9
2) 20
2008-04-08 9:17 pm

2. First

Let x = the smallest consecutive integer
Then x + 2 = next smallest
x + 4 = third smallest
x + 6 = largest
(x + x + 2 + x + 4 + x + 6)/4 = 17
then (4x + 12) / 4 = 17 sp x + 3 = 17 then x = 14 then
x + 6 = 20.

1. n = 3 or n = 7 So 4*8 = 32 form 37 then subtracting gives 5 for a remainder

Also 7 so we would 77 then 9*8 = 72 and when we subtract we have 5.

Hope This Helps!!

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