Are the Chinese " Torch security personnel " thugs ?

2008-04-08 2:20 pm
And is this the type of treatment visitors to the Beijing Olympics can expect?

Only answer the question please. THANK YOU.


M.j.P. I comment against China and ask questions like this because I LIVED IN CHINA for 2 years. So please do not assume that critics of The Chinese Govt. and their supporters, have no " experience " of China or Chinese hospitality. ok?


white shooting star of HK Do you think Lord Coe was a protester? For your infomation he is the chairman of the London Olympic organising commitee.If you had actually read the article you would have known this. I doubt he was trying to stop the relay. Dont you?


Megwill I lived and worked in China from Sept.2005 - Oct. 2007. The first 6 months in a small " city " called Xuyong about 7 hours south of Chongqing city by bus. The second 6 months I spent in another " city " called Liangping about 2 hours North of Chonqing city by bus. Both of these locations were in what the Chinese call "the countryside". Where they still get their water from wells and skin dogs in the street. Get the picture? My last 12 Months were spent in the " Modern " city of Nanjing teaching University students who had failed their entrance exams but whose parents were rich and " connected " enough to buy them a place. Now would you be good enough to tell me how long you have been in China and the locations where you have lived? Thanks.


Here is what the French double Olympic Judo champion David Douillet said when commenting about the way he was treated by these " security personnel " in Paris after taking part in the torch relay. "Given what happened yesterday, the athletes are asking themselves one question: how will they be treated in Beijing?"


Dr. Phil. Welcome to the club. lol. What the world has seen happening in China over the last few weeks has exposed the true nature of the regime there and the true feelings of many Chinese people that post here. Have a best answer.That'll please 'em. lol.

回答 (13)

2008-04-08 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes they are. The whole thing is a tragic farce.

Edit: BKK, looks like I've replaced you in the number of thumbs down... :D
參考: Been to China countless times. I objected BKK many times about China. He is right this time.
2008-04-08 2:32 pm
I can only say in answer to that,how would you do their job.The mindless violence against the Olympic games and global sportspeople is totally out of order.POLITICS IS A FILTHY GAME PLAYED BY THOSE WHO CANNOT BE TRUSTED.To be manipulated into using the Olympics as a political weapon shows how little intelligence people have.The situation in Tibet has nothing to do with the Olympics,it only reflects on the Chinese as a country and a people with great worldwide shame and loss of face.There are many other ways of dealing with this,not punishing the sportsmen and women who have spent the last 4 years struggling to quallify.Demonstrate by all means ,but leave the Oympians out of it.
2008-04-09 4:19 am
What do you expect the security personnel to do? And do you think the whole world know who Lord ? (can't even remember his name when I type this answer) is?

If London has done enough to secure the path this wouldn't have happened.

bkk, you keep saying you have lived in China for 2 years. Care to share which years and where and under what kind of conditions?

My experiences with China have so far be good. Yes. China has issues like corruptions, human rights, pollutions etc. But they are improving, slowly but surely. In fact I find they have improved a lot, better than many other countries I have visited, including some so called 1st world democratic country.
2008-04-09 9:42 pm
How will the athletes and visitors be treated in Beijing? One thing for sure, better than the way these "peaceful" protesters treated athletes in Paris.
2008-04-08 4:20 pm
people that comment against China or write questions like this obviously have never been to the country or experienced Chinese hospitality. And the security personnel are doing their jobs. And the article you linked to is junk, and Lord Coe sounds like a buffoon. Whats with that comment, "They did not speak English ... I think they were thugs." Wow....that's right, everyone in the world must speak English?....what a barbaric thing to say. It also sickens me that people would have the nerve to protest these athletes while they are on the torch relay.

I hope these Olympics are great, and I know that China will do their very best.

EDIT: That is all fine and well, I am just tired of the negativity regarding China these days, especially involving the Olympics. Having lived in China myself, I can see past the neg. aspects that the media is focussing on, as I understand the culture, language, etc. And you, having lived in China, should know how people will be treated without asking that part of the question. People going to the Olympics will be given respect and kindness; unlike how the Chinese are being treated around the world in the media and elsewhere. Not trying to pick a fight with you mate.


~ M.
2008-04-09 5:20 am
No, they are Chinese security personal. Probably special forces.

The real question is, should foreign security personal be allowed to act on foreign soil?

The answer is: No.

They in itself create an additional security risk as they get also targeted by protesters.
2008-04-08 10:52 pm
No. I don't think so.

They are just doing their jobs. When you have hundreds of people throw stuff at you for you doing your job. Your Tactics might get a little rough.

In fact, the police in Seattle was portrayed as "thugs too" during the protesting few years ago in G-8 summit against industrialization.

Just because he is the London Olympic Chairman, it doesn't mean we have to agree with whatever he says...

Anyone still considers himself a "Lord" can not be taken serious of.
2008-04-08 4:44 pm
Well, what do you expect them to do? Give the protester flowers and coffee and ask them "please stop this nonsense"? Would you listen to them!?!?
2008-04-08 5:11 pm
As far as I'm concerned, the Beijing regime is the biggest thug on earth.
2008-04-08 9:07 pm
Yes if and only if they support Tibetans.

Bearing a The Tibetan flag. or any free tibet slogans

I think China might arrest a lot of French athletes for their promotion of treating Democracy-loving fairly aka human rights.
2016-10-04 3:20 pm
i think of it fairly is a shame that politics has to head into the Olympic video games. If the international has replace into so illiberal, then perhaps they ought to be discontinued. yet, till that occurs, why boycott and destroy it for the athletes who've spent years attempting to enhance their qualifications. all of us deplore China's scientific care of it fairly is human beings, Taiwan and Tibet. they're communism at it fairly is worst! And, perhaps sometime somebody will upward thrust up and reason them to a much extra advantageous thank you to stay. I wish we did no longer owe them plenty in loans, and that i wish we does not import undesirable stuff from them. yet, I additionally think of politics should not be slightly of the Olympics.
2008-04-10 11:32 am
I'm not sure I understand what's "sinister" or "thuggish", from what I've seen from the videos. It looks like a group of guys forming in inner ring around the torch, with metro police on the outer cordon, I don't see any other immediate action avaliable other than simply shoving the protestors away.

The only action by those security was a guy wrestled to the ground who tried to extinguish the flame with a fire extinguisher, but imo, that guy was asking for it. And the British police arrested him.

These Chinese guys are only trying hard to protect the flame, that was obviously their task are they areobeying the law of the host country, other than that they do not have have executive powers.
British Lord Coe describe them as thugs, I found this to be a very ignorant and biased comment
Obviously he have not seen security at a concert.
2008-04-08 3:01 pm
I agree with Jed Slade 100%. Those 'torch security personnel' are most likely Chinese secret police. That article's a bit rubbish isn't it? Silly Lord Coe. He was probably in the way anyway. Their priority is to get the flame where it needs to be, make sure it's alight and that it can be seen. They will make sure that happens before all else around them. I can't believe that Australia isn't going to let them run along with the torch...
Of course this isn't treatment that visitors to Beijing can expect! The Chinese are immensely proud of their country and you'll receive fantastic hospitality, not the opposite. Everyone's been training for at least a year (when I was last in Beijing) and they're all thoroughly well prepared for their guests.

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