
2008-04-09 5:02 am


回答 (2)

2008-04-09 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
記得用legato pedalling,
2008-04-17 5:33 pm
This can be a long answer! :-)
Firstly, do not follow what other pianists do. It is their opinion, and you have to have your own knowledge and taste to guide your own performance. Don't use the pedal simply because you saw someone using it.
As Czerny (Beethoven's student) claimed, Beethoven used a lot of pedal, more than what he wrote on the score. However, it was obviously not the same pedalling as in 19th century music. It wasn't until the Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27 No. 2 that we see Beethoven writing pedal instructions on the score, and in those places, the pedal was used to create very special sound effects.
As a general rule, the pedal, in the classical period (late 18th century), is used to end a phrase elegantly, and thus always use it at the end of a slur; but use it only very lightly, just enough to give a "sound trail" to the last note of the slur. The pedal in the Classical period was not used to sustain notes, but to dampen a note (hence the name "damper pedal") - which means to make a note less dry.
In the case of the second movement, assuming you have a good edition (Henle, Wiener Urtext, the new ABRSM by Barry Cooper, not the old ABRSM or Schirmer) you will see that the slurs on the right hand are very special. Follow these slurs, and use the pedal lightly; always use it at the end of each slur so that the sound won't break off.
This is not an easy topic. You should discuss with your teacher about pedal usage in the Classical period. Note: this is not a matter of personal opinion, but there are certain rules that govern the use of pedals in the Classical period. Learn those rules first, then apply your personal opinions.

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