How many.How much;some.any(20fun)

2008-04-09 4:50 am
How many幾時use?how much幾時use?

要簡單 . 易明 thx~

回答 (2)

2008-04-09 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
先講how many 同how much兩個既意思都係問有幾多,how many同 how much係用係問題上,用how many問既問題都係用係一d數到既野上例如:杯cups,叉forks,朱古力chocolate...而how much就係用係一d數唔到既野上例如:水water,沙sand,折扣discount等


2008-04-16 18:00:02 補充:
至於some就係用係一d正面既句子上例如:i have some chocolate.呢一句既have字就係一個正面既詞語所以就用some喇 而any就係用係一d負面既句子或者係問題上例如:have any chocolate there? 同no,there have not any chocolate.呢兩句入面 第一句係問題所以就用any 而第二句就係負面既句子所以都係用any

2008-04-16 18:00:21 補充:
on既解釋係 在...上面or在某一天咁解例如:on the desk在桌子上 on fifteen of the march係三月十五日
at既解釋就係 在某個地方or在某一刻咁解 例如:at the bus stop係巴士站 at six o'clock係六點鐘

in既解釋就係 在...裡面or在某天既某時段 或者 某個季節咁既例如:in the playground在公園裡 in the afternoon在下午
參考: 自己, 自己, 自己
2008-04-09 5:03 am
How many 同 how much 通常用在問題上,而 how many 係 for 數到既野,例如oranges.而how much係for 數唔到既野,例如water.
例子:1]How many apples do you have?
2]How much money do you have?
3]How many oranges are there?

Some 同 any 既分別係any多數用係問句同埋冇野既情況.而some係用係有野的情況.
例子:1]There is a boy!
2]Do you have any questions?
3]I don't have anything!
參考: 我自己

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