
2008-04-09 3:49 am
想問有無人有 HKCEE Biology 1996 I Q4b 依題既答案???急求

回答 (1)

2008-04-09 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) competition
(2) predation and competition
As the algae cannot absorb enough solar energy, the rate of photosythesis will decrease. Then the growth and reproduction of algae decrease so the popoulation of algae will decrease.
DDT from the farm leaks to the sea and the DDT is absorbed by the microrganism. Then the DDT and microrganism are carried by water current to the South Pole. As the DDT cannot be metabolised and excreted by organism, DDT will accumulate along food chain. When the Penguin eats the fishes and microoganism, the DDT will accumulate in the Penguin's body.

The CE questions are much easier than AL...
參考: That's my answer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:24:49
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