bio 有d咩common indictor? 越多越好. 20點!!!!

2008-04-09 3:46 am
例如llime water. NaOH 咁.
唔單止係indictor. 總之係做experiment會用到ge substances.

要有名. test咩. 點用. 有咩observation.

大謝 T______T 聽日考bio ._."

回答 (1)

2008-04-09 10:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
test for starch in leaf:
The presence of starch inside the leaf indicates that photosynthesis has taken part inside the plant
the leaf turns blue-black showing that starch is present in it.
experiment to show that carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis:
put a leaf in a conical flask containing potassim hydroxide solution. potassiom hydroxide absorbs CO2.
test the leaf with iodine test. Starch is absent and thats means carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.
Test for glucose:
Dip a pink test end of a Clinistix paper into different plant extracts. purple colour indiccates the presence of glucose.
test for proteins:
dip the yellow test end of an Albustix paper into each sample. Green colour indicates the presence of protein
Test for fats or oil:
transfer a drop of boiled grinded plant extracts to a filter paper. a translucent spot indicates the presence of fat or oil

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