Relative Clauses

2008-04-09 3:41 am
When the relative pronouns are the object, they MUST be followed by a object and then a verb.
e.g.1)This is the camera(O) which(即camera) Kate(S) got(V) for her birthday.
2)His designs include natural fabrics(O), which(即natural fabrics) I(S) like(V) a lot.
I go to school which is on top of the hill.是否應改成I go to school which it is on top of the hill? School is an object, right?

Relative clauses 有Defining relative clauses和Non-defining relative clauses之分。兩者用法皆不同。當中我有些疑問:
The shop which sells designer clothes at discount prices is located in Wan Chai.
The shop which located in Wan Chai sells designer clothes at discount prices.??

回答 (2)

2008-04-15 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Relaive Clause 係將兩句句子合為一句
首先分主句(較重要)及子句(無較重要),將子句的名詞轉為Relative Pronoun,插入相關名詞後面

Relative Pronoun
人(subject) - who
人(object) - whom
死物(subject/object) - which
人 / 死物(subject/object) - that
死物的(The XXX of which)

I go to (shool)(主句 - 較重要)
(It) is on top of the hill (子句 - 無較重要)
I go to school which/that is on top of the hill.
I go to school which/that (it) is on top of the hill. (錯 - It 已轉為Relative Pronoun which,因此不需要寫IT)

non-defining clauses 同defining clauses 的分
簡單分別就係(指名道姓)就係non-defining clauses, 要加comma
不是(指名道姓)就係defining clauses, 不加comma

Kate’s parents, who live in New Zealand, are both teachers. - 指名道姓(Kate) , non-defining clauses , 要加comma )

His parents who live in New Zealand are both teachers. - 不是指名道姓(His) , defining clauses , 不加comma )

I met a friend. I hadn’t seen my friend for a long time.
I met a friend (whom/that - 可以省略) I hadn’t seen for a long time.
(defining clause) 做 限定用法的關係代名詞,為受格(object)的時候,可以省略(omit)

當(non-defining clause) 做 限定用法的關係代名詞,為受格(object)的時候,絕對不可以省略(cannot omit)
I met Peter, (whom/that - 不可以省略), I hadn’t seen for a long time.

The shop is located in Wan Chai.
It sells designer clothes at discount prices.

The shop (which sells designer clothes at discount prices) is located in Wan Chai.

The shop (which (is - 你寫漏) located in Wan Chai sells designer clothes at discount prices.

2008-04-09 8:19 pm
Most of them are right. [I go to school which is on top of the hill.]
School IS an object. {The school I go to is on the top of the hill.}
參考: myself

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