
2008-04-09 1:31 am

回答 (2)

2008-04-09 1:46 am
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材料: 黄豆 半杯
(yellow bean)

水 3杯 (600ml)
(distilled water)

白開水 1/4杯 (50ml)

食用石膏粉 1/4茶匙

鷹粟粉 半湯匙

糖水: 水 1杯


薑 1-2片 (隨意, 可省)


(1) 黃豆洗淨, 用1杯水浸最少6小時

(2) 將黄豆連水放入攪拌機內, 加入餘下的2杯水攪爛 (約5分鐘)

(3) 用煲魚湯袋隔去豆渣

(4) 用1個煲或大量杯 (可盛4杯分量為準), 將食用石膏粉和鷹粟粉用50ml白開水調勻

(5) 將豆漿 (3杯份量, 不夠的話加水) 放在煲內煮滾, 至所有泡沫消失為止

(6) 用匙羹再調勻石膏粉水, 將大滾的豆漿倒入, 馬上再將所有倒進砂煲, 蓋上煲蓋, 不要移動砂煲, 放20分鐘便可

(7) 糖水: 將材料煮至糖溶, 便可與豆腐花伴食


(1) 豆漿的份量為3杯 (600ml), 這樣的份量才準確, 太多的話豆腐花不能凝固, 太少的話豆腐花又不夠滑, 這是我試過最嫩滑最夠豆味的份量

(2) 石膏粉和水混合後會沉澱, 為確保調和均勻, 將豆漿撞入前必須用匙羹再調勻, 而且我用了薑汁撞奶的方法, 但只須撞一次, 這樣便可確保每一次都能撞出豆腐花了

(3) 用砂煲做豆腐花, 是因為砂煲蓋有氣孔, 避免豆腐花有倒汗水, 當然也可用做豆腐花專用的木桶

(4) 煮豆漿很容易滾瀉, 最好用單柄煲, 先用大火滾, 差不多滾起時轉中慢火, 其間若差不多滾瀉的砧, 用單柄煲便可輕易將煲拿起, 待泡沫消失後又繼續煮至泡沫消失為止
2008-04-09 1:52 am
Jellied bean curd (cold/heat) two person of quantities

1. The soybean milk (primary taste, does not have sugar) 2 measuring glasses 2. Plaster of Paris 3/4 teaspoon
3. Corn starch (corn starch) 3 teaspoons

1. Takes 2 soupspoon soybean milk to open the plaster of Paris and the corn starch, Cheng Xianfen the water.
2. Boiled other soybean milk to just got up slightly soaks, immediately " Bangs into " Offers in the powder water, do not mix it, treats coolly.
3. After the congealment, then the available piece syrup partner eats.

1. The soybean milk and the double peach sign plaster of Paris has in the greatly Chinese type grocery store sells. Soybean milk please not in big supermarket purchase, because its quality be able to discriminate.
2. The soybean milk is sure not to roll greatly, therefore uses the medium baking temperature suitably, not the top head, and station Yu Lupang waited for, as soon as sees micro bubbles then must leave the fire.
3. When bangs into, please do not mix (offers powder Shui Keyu before to banging into mixes evenly again), one time bangs into has been able to mix.
4. Bowl suitable big, in order to avoid the soybean milk bangs into time spills over.


1. 豆漿 (原味, 無糖) 2量杯
2. 石膏粉 3/4 茶匙
3. 粟粉 (corn flour) 3茶匙

1. 取2湯匙豆漿開石膏粉及粟粉, 成獻粉水。
2. 將其餘豆漿煮至剛起小泡,隨即"撞入"獻粉水內,勿攪動之,待涼。
3. 凝結後,便可用片糖水伴吃。

1. 豆漿及雙桃牌石膏粉於大中式雜貨店有售。豆漿請勿於大超市購買,因其品質有別。
2. 豆漿切勿大滾,故宜用中火,勿上蓋,並站於爐旁等待,一見微起泡便須離火。
3. 撞入時,請勿攪動(獻粉水可於撞入前再拌勻),一次撞入已能混和。
4. 碗宜較大,以免豆漿撞入時瀉出。

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