她唔係個位度, 英文點講?

2008-04-09 12:31 am
她唔係個位度 / 她行開左 (她是在公司的) 英文點講?

回答 (5)

2008-04-09 1:21 am
她唔係個位度 / 她行開左 (她是在公司的) 英文點講?
She is not at her desk for the time being.
參考: Self
2008-04-09 12:40 am
She is not here at the moment.
2008-04-09 12:39 am
She is somewhere in the office
參考: me
2008-04-09 12:35 am
She is not at her desk now/She is not here at the moment.
2008-04-09 12:35 am
她唔係個位度 / 她行開左 (她是在公司的) 英文點講?

She is not around.

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