have yet & have not ... yet

2008-04-08 11:27 pm
I have not done the homework yet.

I have yet done the homework.

回答 (1)

2008-04-09 12:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have not done the homework yet或I have not yet done the homework.是常見句子,而I have yet done the homework.則未有所見
Hasn't he come yet?(他還未來嗎?)
He has not yet finished his task(他還未完成任務)
但yet還可與have to連用,解:還得,如:
They have yet to make a decision(他們還得去下決定:意思即他們還未下決定)
所以,你第二句應改為:I have yet to do the homework.(我還得去做功課)與I have not yet done the homework.意思差不多

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