全香港的銀行 Bank code and Branch code - Urgent

2008-04-08 10:04 pm
請問有否人知道全香港的銀行的 Bank code and Branc code 可以相告呢? 或是可在何處找到資料呢? Urgent

回答 (2)

2008-04-08 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please go to the following website and click
Clear Code and Branch Code in Excel format ( as at 7April, 2008)

2008-04-08 14:26:18 補充:
Or just click the following in the above website:

Clear Code and Branch Code in PDF format ( as at 7April, 2008)
參考: website, Me
2008-04-08 10:15 pm
你好, 提議你直接聯絡香港銀行公會作查詢 : 中環太子大廈525室 -- 電話 : 2521 1169/60 --電郵 : [email protected]


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