
2008-04-08 9:00 pm

回答 (3)

2008-04-09 4:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果有一間公司PE是100倍, 當盈利不變, 你投資下去要100年才回本, 你會不會投資這間公司 ???

如當作投機抄賣須需要有無限憧景才行, 就算盈利陪增越高PE都越危險

大升市時無人會講PE一路抄上去, 當跌下高PE股票一定跌得快和急

要分清楚自己是投資 / 投機
2008-04-09 12:24 am
2008-04-08 10:31 pm
theoretically yes BUT

depend on the nature of stks

Say, technical stock--
because they need hugh capital investment n longer duration on returns, so usually for the first few years, the P/E ratio is v v high, but under yearly establishment, the returns comes in , thats will lower the ratio to a more reasonable lvl

Usually P/E is for comparative,

say one company's 07 P/E is 15

if it's original P/Eis 20 or 25 in 2006, thats means the company is making step forward n advancement

so take that ratio as ONE OF THE REFERENCE and added with others
references to make yr own decison

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