
2008-04-08 6:14 pm
Last night, Man Chun, Wing and I went to hospital to visit my best friend Spiritual mother - Pooh Pooh. She becomes an expectant mother. how interesting! I realized her as she was student, but now she is married and pregnant with her first child. What an endless bliss!

回答 (2)

2008-04-08 6:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Very good but with little......
Last night, Man Chun, Wing and I went to hospital to visit my best friend Spiritual mother - Pooh Pooh. She becomes an expectant mother. how interesting! I knew her since she was a student, but now she is married and pregnant with her first child. What an endless bliss!
參考: Self
2008-04-08 6:56 pm

Hello, my suggestion as below for your reference:

「 Man Chun, Wing and I went to hospital last night to visit my best friend 'Spiritual Mother - Pooh Pooh'. She became an expectant mother. How interesting! I realized her as she was a student. Now she got married and has her first child. What an endless bliss! 」

Thank you.

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