
2008-04-08 5:39 pm

回答 (3)

2008-04-08 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
原文比較clumsy. 甚麼是"本質部份"? 文字沙石也太多, 太多 "主要" "因為" "不但, 而且"等無意義的詞句. 全文有幾塊不相關的信息, 但都擠在一起. 以原文譯為英文出來效果不好
本公司售賣食品, 最重視品質, 對食品質素、牌子及包裝等, 一概精益求精。因為我們深知高質素的狗糧,對寵物非常重要, 飼主對此絕不慳吝。
這些狗糧營養豐富, 不含大量味精。
高品質狗糧在市場上需求強勁, 因為飼主都希望寵物健康活潑.
Our company attach great importance to quality of the products we sell. We go all lengths to provide products of best quality in finest packaging and from finest brands, for we understand that quality dog food is most important for the pets and pet-keepers spare no cost in this matter.
The dog food is rich in nutrients and contains minimum level of MSG.
Quality dog food is in good demand for pet-keepers are willing to spend more on the health and well-being of their pets.
2008-04-09 6:51 pm
The most important part of the foods that we are selling is intrinsic quality.
Our company is concentrate a quality of the food, brand name and package etc because there are many people be willing spend more money on their pets, a high quality of pet food is very important for pets. There is no any monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been added, but rich in nutritions. In the market, people wouldl spend more money to buy a high quality pet food for their pets. This is all for their pets and make them more healthy and lovely.
2008-04-08 6:38 pm
All of the foods what we are selling that mainly
emphasizes in the essential part.
Our company is concerned of the food quality , the brand,
and the packing, etc.
Many people are willing to cost much more money
on their pet. A package of the high quality dog food
is very important for the pet.
All of our dog foods without monosodium glutamate (MSG),
and including very rich of nutrition.
In the market, most of the people also
willing to buy high quality dog food for their pet,
all of these what they do are in order to let their pet
become more healthy and lively.

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