特拉華大學?? (即使不是特拉華大學的學生, 如果聽過這所大學, 也入來幫幫忙)

2008-04-08 2:46 pm
1) 特拉華州是個怎樣的州呢?用香港的一個地區代表.
2) 這所大學安全嗎?
3) 這所大學大嗎?
4) 有什麼大學與特拉華大學齊名?
5) 有什麼名人在這所大學畢業?
6) 多中國人嗎?哪裡的中國人?
7) 哪個種族的學生最多? (除美國人外)
8) 宿舍怎樣?
9) 校內有什麼club?
10) 校內有什麼活動?
11) 校外多resturants嗎?
12) 這所大學交通怎樣? 方便嗎?
13) 如果要用一個形容詞形容特拉華大學, 你會用什麼呢?


This university is University of Delaware.

回答 (2)

2008-04-11 7:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I presume you are talking about the University of Delaware, I have never heard of "特拉華大學".

1) if using one of the district in HK to describe the state of Delaware, I will choose Tai Po as Delaware is only a small state.

2) It locates in a small town, so it is relatively safe.

3) Yes, it is big, but if you compare it with UM or OSU, it is only a medium sized university.

4) It ranks around 70-something in US news & world report. You can check the ranking of the other colleges of similar ranking. But one thing for sure, it is not well-known in HK.

5) I can name a few, but I am sure that you would have never heard of them.

6) Mainly chinese from Taiwan and Mainland China, but not many.

7) European ancestry, i guess.

8) I have no idea.

9) It is a big college, so it has all kind of clubs you can ever imagine.

10) Again, it is a big college, it has all kind of activities.

11) Yes, along Main Street of Newark, you can find a number of restaurants and pubs.

12) If you can drive, there should be no problem. To get to UD from HK, it is best to take a flight to New York and then take the Amtrak.

13) Ordinary
2008-04-12 2:52 am
Yea...what I mean is University of Delaware.
thank you very much for your help.
I am studying in US and trying to find a college which fit me.
So how about University of San Fransisco?
if you compare UDel to USF, which one is better? (in anyway)

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