AutoCad 如何將公制轉換英制?

2008-04-08 10:13 am

回答 (1)

2008-04-10 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Step 1: To convert a drawing from centimeters to inches

From the Modify menu, choose Scale.
At the Select Objects prompt, enter all.
All objects in the drawing are selected for scaling.

Enter a base point of *0,0.
Scaling is performed relative to the world coordinate system origin, and the location of the drawing origin will remain at the WCS origin.

Enter a scale factor of 0.3937 (there are 2.54 centimeters per inch).
All objects in the drawing are now smaller, corresponding to the equivalent distance in inches.

Step 2: Set the Units Format

From the Format menu, choose Units.
You can specify the display format of the unit. Depending on what you specify, to enter architectural feet and inches format, indicate feet using the prime symbol (′), for example, 72′3. You don′t need to enter quotation marks(”) to specify inches.

2008-04-09 16:55:22 補充:
Step 3: Set the Units Format of dimension style(s)

From the Dimension menu, choose Style... ,choose Modify, choose Primary Units, refer Step 2.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:24:52
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