
2008-04-08 8:02 am
以下是對於 -網頁製作- 的評語-comments-

1. 內容周全完備,將近無可挑剔。建議可將圖片作編號後,再把來源出處另整理成一頁,可使圖片說明更明顯且易辨識。

2. 有些項目分類的不知所云,應根據實質內容作有系統的處理並排序。可附上大事年表使瀏覽者更一目瞭然該劇團的發展歷程。可對某些專有名詞,如:Tao 道 ,作進一步的解釋

3. 內文和整個研究目標方向似乎不大相符

4. 圖片附上說明會更清楚。可製作一表格來比較各國的差異-diversity-

5. 以獨特的方式來介紹各國文化十分引人入勝。但各國介紹的詳盡度不一,有些看了仍不知其特色為何。

6. 似乎只著重在描述近幾年的事情,對於地區的整個歷史沿革無著墨太多


回答 (3)

2008-04-09 3:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 內容周全完備, 將近無可挑剔。建議可將圖片作編號後, 再把來源出處另整理成一頁, 可使圖片說明更明顯且易辨識。

The content is so comprehensive, it is near-perfect. It is suggested that the pictures are numbered, and then their sources kept in a different page, so that one can more clearly identify what the pictures are trying to illustrate.

2. 有些項目分類不知所云, 應根據實質內容作有系統的處理並排序。可附上大事年表使瀏覽者更一目瞭然該劇團的發展歷程。可對某些專有名詞以如Tao(道)作進一步的解釋。

Some items are categorized in such a way one cannot tell what it is all about. Instead, they should be systematically arranged and ranked. A chronicle of what has happened may be attached to let readers see at a glance the history of development of the opera troupe. More detailed explanation of some proper nouns such as Tao may also be included.

3. 內文和整個研究目標方向似乎不大相符。

It seems that the content is not compatible with what the target of the study tries to aim at.

4. 圖片附上說明會更清楚。可製作一表格來比較各國的差異。

The pictures, if attached with caption, would give more information. A list may be made to show the diversity of the countries.

5. 以獨特的方式來介紹各國文化十分引人入勝。但各國介紹的詳盡度不一, 有些看了仍不知其特色為何。

A unique way to introduce the cultures of the countries makes it very fascinating. But there are discrepancies in how detailed different countries are treated, and parts of the description fail to tell what the characteristics are.

6. 似乎只著重在描述近幾年的事情, 對於地區的整個歷史沿革無著墨太多。

It looks as though emphasis is on what has taken place in the past few years only, with little description of the historical evolvement of the entire region as a whole.

(已盡量貼近原文翻譯, 用詞及文法應該沒問題, 請放心)
2008-04-09 8:44 am
1. Content complete complete, will be near impeccablly.After the suggestion may do the picture the serial number, again in addition reorganizes the origin source a page, may cause the caption to be more obvious also easy to recognize.

2. Some project classification being unintelligible, should do according to the substantive content has system processing and sorts.But the enclosed important matter timeline causes a browsing clearer this theatrical troupe the development course.May to certain proper nouns, for example: Tao said that, makes the further explanation

3. The nevin and the entire research aim direction as if not greatly tallies
4. Picture enclosed showing can be clearer.May manufacture a form to compare various countries' difference - diversity-

5. By the unique way introduced the various countries' culture is extremely fascinating.But various countries' introduction exhaustive one, why somewhat didn't look has still not known its characteristic.

6. Emphatically at description in recent years matter, does not as if only have the inking regarding the local entire historical evolution too to be many
2008-04-08 8:20 am
1. Content complete complete, will be near impeccablly. After the suggestion may makes the picture the serial number, again the origin source in addition reorganizes a page, may cause the caption to be more obvious and easy to recognize.

2. Some project classification's being unintelligible, should do according to the substantive content has system's processing and sorts. But the enclosed important matter timeline causes the browsing clearer this theatrical troupe's development process. May to certain proper nouns, for example: Tao said that makes the further explanation

3. The nevin and the entire research aim direction as if not greatly tallies

4. Picture enclosed showing can be clearer. May manufacture a form to compare various countries' difference - diversity-

5. By the unique way introduced that various countries' culture is very fascinating. But various countries introduced exhaustive varies, why somewhat looked had still not known its characteristic.

6. At description matter in recent years, does not have the inking regarding the local entire historical evolution to be too many emphatically as if only

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