is any doctor here can answer this question?

2008-04-07 6:33 pm
i got many spots on my forehead. i tried many things but couldn't get them away. how can i get them away? would any one give me good advise?

回答 (7)

2008-04-08 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
They are most likely to be acneiform as this is a common site. Assuming you have tried over the counter preparations, the next step is to see your GP. If the patch is very localised and you have no chest or back spots, a topical antibiotic acne lotion may be the best option.
參考: GP for more years than I care to remember
2008-04-07 6:41 pm
Yes, you can always visit a Dermatologist. There they have fade creams and chemical peels. You cannot be diagnosed over the Internet.
2008-04-07 6:37 pm
You have to narrow that down. Size, color, shape, raised, any thing in the center?
Things that come to mind would be - sunspots, skin irratation, ring worm dry skin.
2008-04-07 6:52 pm
I had the same problem. I tried every skincare product going. I now use a gentle facewash with zinc and anitbacterial properties in it and a light moisturiser with shine control. Look out for linaool-its basically wool fat which clogs your pores! Some days i leave makeup off (when no-one will see me of course!), and i never wear foundation-just concealer. If you have really stubborn spots, I find that a medicated cream helps. I also found that my skin got greasier by washing it more-so if u can bear it-dont wash your face at night. I also cut down on bread because it makes me break out-your problem might be fod related. This is basically everything I do and I;ve seen a vast improvement. If all this fails-some contraceptive pills can help your skin by regulating your hormones....depends how desperate you get. Good luck!! x
2008-04-07 6:39 pm
Your local chemist can help. Good luck :)
2008-04-07 6:38 pm
check out your vitamin deficiency first.
2008-04-07 6:38 pm
go and tell the doctor you think you have a case of galloping knob rot he will give you some cream to rub on the spots

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