
2008-04-08 6:27 am
(某同事)已經XXX 離職,如有任何查詢請聯絡XXX

回答 (3)

2008-04-08 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(某同事)已經XXX 離職,如有任何查詢請聯絡XXX
This is a notification circular, I suppose you should put tit this way:
To Whom It May Concern:
Please be advised that xxx of our shipping department had resigned and effected 1st April 2008. Kindly contact xxx for relevant enquiries, thank you.
xxx Co Ltd
參考: Self
2008-04-08 6:41 am
(the name of the colleague ) he/she had been left the office, if you have any
enquire please feel free to contact xxxx
2008-04-08 6:39 am
Please be advised that Mr/Ms XXX has resigned/left the company, if you have any queries, please contact XXX at (tel no or email address)

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