Could you tell me what the meaning of (xxx) sentences is

2008-04-08 6:14 am
1.Kevin started collecting found photos three years ago and has now amassed a collection of over a thousand. "I got the idea after reading a magazine article about it. Somebody had discovered an abandoned slide collection – literally thousands of slides of this one middle-aged woman on holiday in different parts of Spain. They had apparently been taken by her husband. There was no knowing who she was, but the photos had ( a haunting charm ). The couple seemed to have been so happy together. The photos were a kind of testament to a long, happy, although seemingly childless, marriage."

2.I found a little beachside café. I took a seat and a charming waiter took my order. The food was good and the weather was perfect, so ( I took my time) .

3.My grandmother is amazing. She ( took up ) water-skiing when she was 75.

回答 (1)

2008-04-08 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) a haunting charm - 如魔法般令人陶醉的感覺~

2) took my time - 好好咁享受一下~
* (take one's time 係解「唔好急,慢慢嚟」~ )
* (而 #2 講,係海邊上享受緊美食和藍天白雲,然後就話
「so I took my time」﹗所以當時啲意思係「慢慢享受一下」)

3) took up water-skiing - 學識滑水~
* (當你話 take up 一樣嘢啲時候,由其係 sport 時,意思係想話被人知你學識咗一樣 skill~)

參考: my dumb point of view

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