
2008-04-08 2:47 am

回答 (3)

2008-04-20 4:46 am
2008-04-09 6:41 am
Yamaha 221 is quite good. Good quality and reasonable price. $3000. Usually teachers will have 10% off.
Usually it can be used at least Grade 5. This is a student model.
My students use this as their 1st flute.

2008-04-10 23:19:01 補充:
American flute is not cheap. If it is only about$1000, it would not be american flute. May be it looks like american but is from mainland China. Don't buy too cheap flute or else you will regret. Cheap flute is not long lasting.

2008-04-10 23:19:31 補充:
Yamaha flute is VERY esay to play, if you use the correct way to play a flute. Quality iis stable.
And Yamaha 221 is not silver. It is only silver plated.
2008-04-08 4:06 am
我想學長笛呀.... 邊隻牌子既長笛會平D..又好用既??
I learned flute for 4 and 1/2 years, my teacher said Armstrong and Yamaha are ok for students' first and second flute. I started with an Armstrong basic student flute, and moved up to an open-holed flute.
參考: I am a flute player!

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