
2008-04-08 1:17 am
我想問邊度有得學揸私人飛機? 同埋幾錢左右?


回答 (2)

2008-04-08 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

2008-04-10 22:12:59 補充:
You need to get a private pilot license.
**** wrong. by gettting a private pilot licence, this means you are a pilot already. and Even Student Pilot Licence is not needed for the first few flying lessons.

2008-04-10 22:13:23 補充:
Which is very expensive to get. @$1,000,000 Hong Kong Dollars
**** Wrong. In HK, ~HK$120-140K (and depends on the student*s talent). Cheaper in Australia/USA/Canada.
2008-04-11 3:23 am
You need to get a private pilot license. Which is very expensive to get. @$1,000,000 Hong Kong Dollars

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