
2008-04-07 10:52 pm
忽然想學樂器, 以滿足幼時家貧未能實現的願望.

以前玩過吓木結他, 但對音樂可謂一曉不通, 樂理概念可謂全無

如果想吹吓時代曲, 簡簡單單咁自娛, 學邊樣好會d?

邊樣容易掌握d? 邊樣學費和成本平d?

學色士風好似型d, 應該點選擇? 請給意見, 謝謝!

回答 (4)

2008-04-08 9:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 你對音樂可謂一曉不通, 樂理概念可謂全無

如果想吹吓時代曲, 簡簡單單咁自娛, 學邊樣好會d?
-----兩種樂器都不算太難, 可自己到圖書館看看,
-----男仔學色士風就型, 女仔最好選長笛。

(2) 邊樣容易掌握d? 邊樣學費和成本平d?

-----其實學樂器都是先找老師學幾堂 才 自學,
不然的話, 學錯基本就很難改善。
-----兩種樂器有平有貴約 $1,500 至 $2,500 左右。
-----建議買 Yamaha 不學時賣出都易些。
參考: I am a music teacher.
2008-04-15 4:08 am
My personal opinion, if you are already an adult, I would recommend you to
learn Saxophone rather than flutes because:

1. Saxophone is a single-reed instrument and as long as you blow it with the
right volume of air, it can give you a certain quality of tone and sound.

2. For Flute, you have to tighten your lips and blow the air from the right
angle to make an acceptable sound and tone quality.

3. Since you are an adult, you should have no concern to master a larger
instrument like Saxophone.
2008-04-09 6:47 am
Flute is easier to carry. It is lighter. You may put it in a big handbag and no one will know you learn flute. Yamaha flute is good for beginers. Model 221 is the student model. $3000 at Tom Lee. Usually teachers have 10% off.

Sorry I have not much idea about saxophone, cos I teach flute.
2008-04-07 11:43 pm

你對音樂可謂一曉不通, 樂理概念可謂全無。不如就順扁報讀樂理班,噤你咪再唔喺~樂理白癡~囉. (.^o^.)

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