Windows XP - How to clear 資源回收筒

2008-04-07 10:23 pm
On Windows XP, how to clear individual deleted items / and all deleted items in 資源回收筒...?

回答 (2)

2008-04-07 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
for deleting a individual item,first, open the資源回收筒 and point to the file you want to delete --> right click -->delete

for deleting all the items in the資源回收筒,first, point to the the資源回收筒
--->right click -->清理資源回收筒
參考: 自己
2008-04-08 12:16 am

2008-04-07 16:17:32 補充:
跟住right click,禁''淸理資源回收筒"

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