
2008-04-07 8:14 pm
各位大大, 我有野問

我想問下, 下列的句子是屬於哪個港督

i make education compulsory in HK

i am the first governor to have a chinese surname

i believe people in hk should be equal with the british

i am a prisoner of war during the period 1941-1945

急需, 謝謝!

回答 (1)

2008-04-07 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. i make education compulsory in HK
There are two governors who fit the description. Sir David Trench made primary education compulsory in Hong Kong in 1971, while his successor Sir Murray Maclehose made junior secondary education compulsory as well in 1978.
2. i am the first governor to have a chinese surname
All governors of Hong Kong have a Chinese name based on the transliteration of their names into Chinese.
When Sir Reginald Stubbs was given a Chinese name "Szeto" that sounds like a Chinese surename, the custom to give a sinicised Chinese name to a governor was established.
But it is interesting to note that the second governor Sir Francis Davis was given a Chinese name "Tai Wai-see", while "Tai" is also a Chinese surename.

3. I believe people in hk should be equal with the british


4 i am a prisoner of war during the period 1941-1945
Sir Mark Young was made a prisoner of war when Japan occupied Hong Kong in 1941.

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