英文數學一問 - 解題疑難

2008-04-07 6:15 pm
我唔係好明以下2條問題究竟點解, please help.

1.If the temperature rises by -23℃ from -12℃, what is the new temperature?

2. If the temperature rises 20 degrees from -5と, what is the final temperature?

兩條問題 rises by 同 rises 有セ分別,同點解呢?

我知道個答案題一是11, 但第二題是15。有無人知道 rises 同 rises by 的分別呀??


有無人知點解呀???? help help!!!!

回答 (1)

2008-04-07 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Original Temp = X
X + (-23) = -12
X -23 = -12
X = -12+23
X = 11

Original Temp is 11 degrees

2) let X be the temperature
X + 20 = -5
X = -25
The Final temp is -25.
參考: myself.

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