1. Why the following items should be l included in the calculation of the balance of HK's current account?
(1).A HK resident buys a life insurance policy from an insurance company in US
(2)2.A company in HK pays interest for loans from a bank in the U.K
2. public sector = public expenditure?
(↑in the size of the public sector =↑in the ratio of expenditure to GDP?)
3. CC boutique's financial statement:
Sales revenue of fashions = 16000
Imported fashions = 2000
Electricity & water charges = 3000
Wage payment = 2500
Profits tax = 1500
Net profits = 7000
When calculating the contribution of the above boutique to HK's GDP,
the [ Electricity & water charges 3000] is deducted .
Thus the GDP= 16000(Sales revenue of fashions)-2000(Imported fashions)-
3000(Electricity & water charges)
= 11000
Why Electricity & water charges is deducted?
How about wage payment?