澳洲旅行問題(請清楚回答每一條,,請勿覆製一大篇文章) 20點!!!!!!

2008-04-07 6:34 am

Q1 : 我想問咩 visa = 簽證??
Q2 : 我係特區passport 去澳洲要唔要簽證??
(電視廣告唔係話有d國家唔簽證 ga 咩??)
Q3 : 搭飛機去要幾耐??
Q4 : 要唔要比咩離境稅??
Q5 : 我會係今年7月去澳洲, 個陣天氣幾度到??

Q6 : 要唔要帶D大褸呀個d?
Q7 : 乾唔乾燥ga??
Q8 : 空氣好唔好??會唔會好似香港咁ga d quality?
Q9 : 我去2個禮拜到.帶幾多錢去好??(要買十幾份手信.但唔洗計食,住)
Q10 : 有咩名勝好去??

Q11 : 有冇咩地道小食同手信??
Q12 : 個到D野貴唔貴ga??
Q13 : 同香港差幾多個鐘??
Q14 : 邊到多野買??(手信)
Q15 : 如果我部相機得1000張相位..夠唔夠用??(我會成日影)

Q16: 我電話同相機要差電.去到個邊點差??

仲有..Q17: 我想問打長途電話返香港可以係邊到打?? 幾錢??

回答 (3)

2008-04-07 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have just completed a 13-day trip last week. Here is my experience
1) & 2) A visa is needed. You can apply a e-visa. It's very easy. Visit the website of Australia consulate. only $AUD20, very convenient.
Q3) direct flight - 9 hours
4) yes, but it's included when you bought the ticket
5) & 6)cold. coat is needed.
7) very dry
8) much better than Hong Kong
9) it depends on the choice of the gift. for some cheap handcream, can be HK$10. It varies a whole lot. But I have spent HK$14000 in 13 days, excluding hotel and flight
Q10) it depends what you want to achieve, adventure, sightseeing or relaxing. I'd suggest you get a book from the public library and see
Q11) nugget, honey, Jurlique, wine, dry fruit, nut, pure chocolate
Q12) awfully expensive. A big MAC meal set, AUD 8.5 = HKD 60. A 'Che Chai Meen' is AUD10. Cheapest coffee on the street is AUD 3.5
Q13) faster than HK by 2 hours now
Q14) China town or large chain store or supermarket for their big sale items
Q15) ok la
Q16) same voltage as HK, but their socket is different. you may go to a HK electrical store to get one. Mine is only HKD9.
Q17) buy a telephone card when you get there. roaming is expensive.

After my trip, I feel that HK is really a shoppers paradise!!!!
1)booking hotel on the internet is very easy and cheaper. Definitely no need to go to any travel agent.
2) no much nightlife in Australia. Better bring your laptop with you so that you can play games there. Connecting internet in the hotel is expensive. WiFi is not common.
3) unless you want to stay in the resort for a few days without going anywhere, otherwise, you must reserve a hotel in the central business district. It's much convenient in traffic.
2008-04-07 10:54 pm
Q1 : 我想問咩 visa = 簽證??
yes......要 ka.
Q2 : 我係特區passport 去澳洲要唔要簽證??
可申請電子簽証. 唔使親身去 ka. 上番澳洲領事館個網睇下啦.

Q3 : 搭飛機去要幾耐??
唔知你去邊個城市. 如 melbourne / sydney 個 D. 8小時多少少.

Q4 : 要唔要比咩離境稅??
香港澳洲都會有離境稅. 應該已算入機票之內 ka la. 唔使到時先另外比的.

Q5 : 我會係今年7月去澳洲, 個陣天氣幾度到??
屆時係佢地既冬天. 同香港既冬天差不多啦. 如果唔番風. 10度咁上下.

Q6 : 要唔要帶D大褸呀個d?

Q7 : 乾唔乾燥ga??
乾呀.... 濕度 30幾至50% 咁上下 ka jar.

Q8 : 空氣好唔好??會唔會好似香港咁ga d quality?

Q9 : 我去2個禮拜到.帶幾多錢去好??(要買十幾份手信.但唔洗計食,住)
大部份都可以簽卡 ka wor. 唔好帶太多現金啦. 個邊 D 野唔太貴. 同香港差不多. 不過近來紙水高左喇. 真係唔抵! anyway, 如2星期, AUD$2000 點都夠晒 la.

Q10 : 有咩名勝好去??
都係個句啦. 唔知你去邊個城市喎. 但 melbourne 同埋 sydney. 都有種巴士, 叫 city explorer 的. 會停晒所以市內境點 ka. 好方便. 一早巡環行到半夜 ka lak. 只要買左個 pass, 就自由上落 ka la.

Q11 : 有冇咩地道小食同手信??
一般人去澳洲. 都會買蜜糖或羊毛產品返黎 lor. 個邊大量出產 ka ma. 另外, 好多人買羊脂做既 cream 或護膚品 lor.

Q12 : 個到D野貴唔貴ga??

Q13 : 同香港差幾多個鐘??
視乎邊個城市, 2-3小時姐.

Q14 : 邊到多野買??(手信)
遊客區一定有 ka la. 如果係 sydney, 就 rocks lor. 係一個好出名既遊客購物區黎 ka.

Q15 : 如果我部相機得1000張相位..夠唔夠用??(我會成日影)
應該夠 la 掛. 夜晚返到酒店. delete 一 D 效果唔好 ka lor.
Q16: 我電話同相機要差電.去到個邊點差??
酒店一般可借 adaptor 比你 ka. 就算 D 腳唔岩都唔怕 ka.
Q17: 自己去到就買張當地電話卡 la..........打番香港會平 D lor.
2008-04-07 6:51 am
I studied in Sydney, so probably I can answer some of your questions.

Q1 : Yes
Q2 : I am not sure about this one, but I needed to get a Student Visa when I studied there, so I assume u need one.
Q3 : If direct flight, about 9 hours; if indirect, for example, go to Singapore first (about 3 hrs), then to Sydney (about 7 hrs).. total around 10 hrs
Q4 : u mean tax? of course
Q5 : the weather is opposite to HK. So when it is hot in HK (e.g. July), it should be cool in Sydney
Q6 : U should bring one, it is quite cool and windy at night time
Q7 : depends la...
Q8 : definitely more FRESH air over there la!!
Q9 : things are not cheap over there... hard to tell u since I dun know what u want to buy... maybe bring credit card instead of so much cash la (just a suggestion)
Q10 : Opera House, Harbour Bridge, Darling Harbour, Bondi Beach, Taranga Zoo, Star City (casino), Fish Market....
Q11 : Nougats & Manuka Honey
Q12 : Not cheap
Q13 : 2 hrs
Q14 : u can go to Chinatown dutyfree shops or DFS
Q15 : should be enough
Q16: u need an adapter
Q17: u can use the prepaid phone cards, it is really common and much cheaper.. can easily get one in convenience stores..

Hope my answer can help u...
參考: Own experience

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