要一篇f1-f2程度既英文book report!!!急..20點

2008-04-07 3:48 am
要一篇f1-f2程度既英文book report!!!急..20點

回答 (1)

2008-04-07 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案

Title:The case of the cheerleading camp mystery

Aurther:Emma Harrison


Publisher:Harper Entertainment


Plot:Mary-Kate and her twins sister,Ashley has entered a cheerleading camp.Ashley is great cheerleader,and she wanted to be the leader of their team,so did the ohter two girls.

So they decided to have a competition and have a vote.The winner is the person who perform the best and have the most vote.Then a big problem was came up to Ashley.Someone stole her lucky pom-poms,and there were itching powder in her cheerleading sneakers! How can she win the competition without all those things?The twins,Mary-Kate and Ashley finally tried to slove this mystery.Can they find out who the theif is ?Can Ashley attend the competition? Can she win?

Let's read the story and find out the answer!


Title:The perfect summer

Aurther:Emma Harrison


Publisher:Harper Entertainment


Plot:Mary-Kate and her twins sister Ashley went to a summer music festival to find a job as a part time.They sold pizza and met alot of nice friends there.Mary-Kate met a guy called Gavin who is a yong pop singers,Mary-Kate was his super fan!But something surprise was happend,Gavin invited her to go out with him!Then they became a very good friend,and later,Mary-Kate though was it correct to have a date with a boy that she has already got a boyfriend?But she admited she did really want to go out with Gavin,her Idol,the pop star!Finally she went out with the guy.Then,they dated with each other for many many time,Mary-Kate knew this wasn't right,but she still do it,she coudnt control herself anymore!Finally,she discover that Gavin was a bad guy,beside,her real boyfriend,Jake ignored her after he knew the thing between Gavin and his girlfriend.What will Mary-Kate do next?Will she say sorry to Jake and leave Gavin or just give up?

Let read the story and find the anwer!
參考: myself

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