20 chemistry questions to ask , please~

2008-04-07 1:54 am
If anyone can answer the following questions ,
even not all, i will be appreciated !!!!!!!!!

Hint : for every questions only requires one single answer
and the answers are all come from the periodic table!

21. has only 1 electron in the 5p subshell
22.gives its name to the series of metals starting here that also go by the name rare earth metals
23. has only 1 electron in the 6p subshell
24. is the element whose compounds comprise the branch of chemistry called organic chemistry
25. is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust.
26. has 2 electron in the 3d subshell
27.has anuclear charge of 40+
28.derives its symbol from the Latin word stannum
29. is the stable metal that is the end product of the radioactive decay of uranium
30.is the element formed when uranium gives off an alpha particle
31. is the most abundant element in the atmosphere
32. is a non-metallic element that ignites spontaneously when exposed to air.
33. has 23 protons in its nuclears.
34. is a very poisonous non-metal belonging to period 4 and group 15(VA) in the modern periodic table
35. is found between zirconium and molybdenum in the modern periodic table.
36.has a symbol derived from its Latin name sitbium
37. has an atomic number of 73
38. is the heaviest member of group 15 (VA) in the modern period table.
39. is the most abundant element in earth's crust
40.is a yellow non-metal, made as a byproduct in purification of natural gas.

thank you !

回答 (3)

2008-04-07 2:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
21. lutetium ([Xe] 4f14 5d1 6s2)
22. beryllium
23. thallium ([Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p1)
24. carbon
25. silicon

26. titanium ([Ar] 3d2 4s2)
27. zirconium (atomic number = 40)
28. tin (Sn)
29. lead (for U-238, the end product is U-206)
30. thorium

31. nitrogen
32. phosphorus (white phosphorus)
33. vanadium (atomic number = 23)
34. arsenic (砒霜)
35. niobium

36. antimony (Sb)
37. tantalum
38. bismuth (Uup is highly radioactive and very unstable.)
39. oxygen
40. sulphur

2008-04-06 19:09:11 補充:
22. The answer should be "lanthanum" (or "actinium").

2008-04-06 20:46:24 補充:
21. The answer should be "indium" ([Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p1)
Lutetium has 1 electron in the 5d subshell.
2016-11-03 3:40 pm
Derives Its Symbol From The Latin Word Stannum
2008-04-07 3:12 am
the answer should be indium for question 21??

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