請問各師兄師姐 我想問下一般球類活動 想影得清楚450D係米足夠有餘呢or 40D

2008-04-06 11:40 pm
請指教.......我係新手 仲諗緊買邊部 or N 記

回答 (2)

2008-04-07 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
影球類活動/運動需要夠快;40D每秒6.5張(75張JEPG),450D每秒3.5張(52張JEPG),請問你影邊種球類? 動作好快既話建議 40D,如果唔係400D都夠用。
你先去canon show room試下兩部機先,手位都好重要;同埋可以體驗下有幾快
2008-04-09 4:20 am
That's not much related with the camera.

You need to consider:

(1) Shutter speed 1/250 - 1/1000 's will be good enough
(2) Do you have a telephoto lens ?200-400+mm
(3) High ISO may be required 400-800 ISO to cater for the low aparture
(4) You may also use "Sport mode" in you camera.
(5) The kind of effect you will use like "Panning" shoot.

Both cameras are good enough to complete you job.

hope it will help

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