幾時用we us , 幾時用no not don't (20)

2008-04-06 9:03 pm
我想問幾時用we 幾時用us
例如us against the world ,點解用us?唔用得we?

同埋幾時用no ,not ,don't ?
例如welcome , 如果想講不歡迎
應該用no welcome , not welcome , 定係don't welcome

回答 (2)

2008-04-08 4:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cause it is us against the world
You and me against them all
If you are listening to these words
Know that we are standing tall
I do not ever see the day that I will not
catch you when you fall
Cause it is us against the world tonight ------ 佢係 it is 唔係 its !!

its 同 it is 既讀音似 , its 根本唔可以用係句子既開頭 , 再者 against 係 prep. 唔係 verb , 一句句子冇可能冇 verb 。

we 係用係句子開頭 (第一身) , 同 i 一樣 。
eg , we love westlife / i love westlife

而 us 係受詞 , 同 me 一樣 。
eg , Westlife needs us to buy their album / Westlife send me their album.

希望可以幫到你 , 多 d 聽 westlife , 英文都會好 d 架 。

We can use NO before a noun or an adjective noun. The verb is positive.
We do not use NO with a verb.
2008-04-06 9:22 pm
"We" 係 subject, 放在句子頭的, 亦係句子中支配動詞 (verb)的人物和事
eg: We like Mr. Chan.
"us" 係 object, 放在句子中或後, 係受subject 所做的動作所影响, 是被動的.
eg: Mr. CHan likes us.

"us against the world" 係錯的. 你會唔會抄果時抄錯? 前面係咪有d字?

有時我地都會見到d 英國或美國人會放 object 係句子前面, 如 "me feel bad", "us feel sad" 呢d係佢地好本地地度的講野方法, 完全不合傳統英文文法的. 所以唔好學.

至於welcome一字.如果它作形容詞用則應說 "You are not welcome"

若作動詞用(verb),則應說, "You are not welcomed", "I don't welcome you."

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