魚肉 Vs 豬肉

2008-04-06 8:51 pm
我想問魚肉 同豬肉的營養價值的分別
同埋 幾多歲先好開始素食?

因為我現在是16歲 已經開始不吃紅肉 雞肉 2星期 我想開始慢慢的素吃


咁我係唔係應該食Vitamin B12丸? 但係我有吃少少魚肉


http://www.alibaba.com/catalog/10851757/Jamieson_Vitamin_C_500mg.html 其實我一直都有食開vitamin c 如果食埋同一牌子既vitamin B可以嗎?

回答 (1)

2008-04-06 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think both meat are rich in protein. However, the pork meat may have more saturated fat than fish meat. It makes fish meat is more healthy than the pork meat. However, both of the meat contains very low level or even no Vitamin B12 which is only present in red meat.
You can start to be vegetarian after the puberty. However, you have to make sure that you absorb eough protein and calcium for your growth. Otherwise, you will become too small sized. Beans, Tofu, mushrooms and milk contains relatively high amount of protein. Better take more these kind of food. Also, remember to take the Vitamin B12 supplement to ensure you absorb enough Vitamin B12.
I also want to be a vegetarian but sometimes it is quite difficult to find the retaurant and sometimes it gives inconvenience to other people. So, I only try to have more vegetables than meat. Vegetable is very very good for our health.

2008-04-10 10:16:08 補充:
To my understanding, Vitamin B12 is present only in red meat. So, I do not think you can absorb enough B12 by just taking some fish.

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