
2008-04-06 5:08 pm


回答 (4)

2008-04-07 7:34 am
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Emotional problems can be complicated. As observed, it includes, ego and neglecting the partner's feeling. She, one of my friends described her emotional problem, that could not be solved so easily. Love is neither a statement nor an object; love is a feeling, a mutual respect.
Being my potential love partner, my requirements include, 1. having a good sense of humor, 2. having a goal, 3. having a decent looking appearance. The common mistakes occur from the romantic examples are: why so many women can not take part in romantic experiences, or fail in it. Women focus mainly on the first impression, the good looking appearance, the good speaking skill, the acting of being generous, a good sense of humor. Those are considered the good attraction to women. What is the problem? Women are judging from the outer appearance and paying no attention on the inner part. That is why it leads to separating, being cheated, being deserted, and even the fear in future romantic relationship with others. Of course, it represents only part of it.

2008-04-06 23:40:08 補充:
Please add the punctuation----COMMA----after the words--ONE OF MY FRIENDS.
2008-04-10 6:41 pm
Love affair can be complicated, coz most of the people I see were egocentric, and they ignore the other's feelings. One my female friend told me about her love affair, it's not a easy problem to solve after I heard. Actually love is not a menu, and not a "things" either. It's a heart feeling and forgiveness. For me, I'll pick my boyfriend who should meet certain conditions. Firstly, he got the sense of humour; secondly, he got the dreams; finally, he have a good look. I remember some examples, and discover the common problems of women today. They love to focous on people's appearance. For the girl, it is so attactive that when the guy have good looking, generous heart and some sense of humour. That's why they really hard to find a life partner, or they can't keep the relationship longer. My point is not only focous on the appearance, but also the people's heart or character. It is easy to break the relationship if ignore that part.....surely, it maybe part of this!
2008-04-07 12:11 am
The emotional problem is very complex, saw by me the majority men and women all are take as the centers, has neglected opposite party feeling.Some feminine friend narrates her emotional problem to me.After I listen, discovered that is not a question which easy to explain.Love is not an instruction booklet, is not one kind of thing; Love is one kind of feeling, is contains mutually.Speaking of I, I choose boyfriend's condition, first, has the sense of humor; Second, has the ideal; Third, has the straight appearance.I have remembered before has watched some sentimental instance, discovered the modern female is in love the most common common failing.Are the modern female very why many cannot talk about the love? Also or is discussed obtains can bid good-bye actually? Very many women's regard as important the first impression very much, likes judging people solely on appearance, so long as the appearance is much longer, already was secret the riga minute; Or is can say the friendly road lavish, in addition the sense of humor was most attracts the woman.Question in which? The woman often looks at the semblance, but has neglected intrinsic, therefore very is easy to cause to bid good-bye, or is deceived is flung, even cannot talk about the love; Certainly this only is a part.
2008-04-06 7:59 pm
Emotional complexity of the issue, as I see the majority of men and women are self-centered, and neglect each other's feelings. One female friend told me about her emotional problems. I listened to, that it's not an easy question to answer. Love is not a statement is not an object; love is a feeling is mutual tolerance. For my part, I chose her condition, first of all, a good sense of humour; Secondly, the ideal of the third, correct improved. I remember feeling before seen some examples of modern women falling in love found that the most common defects. Why are many modern women can not talk about love? Or is it will be about breaking up? Many women are also important first impression, love profiling, as long as a good long look, has been secretly added points, or can be Yanshan Road lavish, together with the sense of humor is the most attractive woman. Where does the problem lie? Women tend to look at the appearance, and ignore the intrinsic, can easily lead to separation, or cheated the accident, or even less than about love; course, this is just one of the part of the story.
參考: me

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