急 ! Excel 開唔到, 請救救我

2008-04-06 4:37 pm
自動更新 OfficeXpSp3 但不成功, 反而弄到 Excel 開唔到, 彈咗過視窗話...安裝程式找不到需要的檔案 Mircosoft Office XP Professional with FrontPage......
Excel 日日都要用, 請救救我, thank you very much.


回答 (1)

2008-04-06 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try to add/remove such sp3

If unsuccessful, use back the original disk and uninstall the Excel component and reinstall again

2008-04-06 17:15:58 補充:
Before reinstall, there may be option for you to recover. Try that before uninstall/reinstall

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