
2008-04-06 8:05 am






回答 (3)

2008-04-08 3:32 am
打電話比稅局1878022電話錄音, 按1,再按9, 說明你的身份證號碼. 及說明你一直沒有收到任何信件, 一收到就是罰款單, 問下d職員, 你要點樣做反對信o
2008-04-06 4:24 pm
The form may have been lost in posting. But, you have the duty as required by Law to ask for a return even you did not receive the B.I.R. 60 from IRD. The Form B.I.R. 60 is issued to an individual taxpayer for him/her to report his/her salaries, rental income from solely owned properties and profits from sole-proprietorship businesses, and to elect personal assessment.
If you do not file the Return on time, the assessor will estimated a figuare as your income and give you an assessment and demanding the tax thereof. This may be your case now. You have the right to object this assessment within 1 month from the date of this assessment together with your B.I.R.60. and, to aplly for the holdover of the tax thereof pending the outcome of your objection.
Anyway, please contact the assessor with th phone no. as shown in your demand note by quoting your file no. to confirm whether the above issue is true or not. Remember, this has to be done within 30 days from the date of issue of the assessment and demand note. If not, everything will be conclusive and you have to pay the tax $7000. You may also face the penalty, additional assessment and even to face a summon.
2008-04-06 8:56 am
參考: me

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