I'm in love with someone I will never meet. Help!? PS: I'm only 15.?

2008-04-05 9:08 am
Okay, this might seem a little crazy or weird but, I'm in love with Keanu Reeves. So much that it hurts. And I dream of meeting him some day and getting his autograph and talking with him and going for a cup of coffee or whatever. It's only a once in a life time thing that I could ever meet him, it's scary. Because I seriously love him. I love everything about him such as his acting, personality, hair, body, face, humor, and everything! What should I do? Like should I just get over him because it's possible that I can never ever meet him? Should I chase my dreams and hope that I could meet him and go for coffee? Or should I still be really obsessive and stare at his face for the rest of my life wishing that we can meet? HELP!?!?!.... Don't call me crazy!

回答 (21)

2008-04-05 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Listen little one, there's nothing wrong with what you're feeling. I think the majority of gals your age (and some much older) go through this. Yeah, it's scary, the feelings that you have. But don't worry about it. I had my first crush when I was 9 (Peter Tork from the Monkees). When I was 16, I fell madly in love with...get ready...John Denver! I watched all of his shows, bought all of his records, bought every fan magazine, plastered his pictures all over my walls, and dreamed of meeting him (and marrying him). Then (bummer) I found out he was married! UGH! But, that didn't stop my feelings for him. Eventually, I noticed other fellas around me (which were much more available than John was), and I moved on. I knew that there was no future with him (I never did get to go to one of his concerts). But, looking back on it all, I wouldn't have changed a thing. The experience taught me that I could love, and love deeply, and faithfully. Yes, the day he died in that plane crash was very hard on me. Even after being married and having raised a family, I still cared about him. That will never go away. Through it all, I was John's number one fan, and that was okay. My suggestion...continue following his career. But pay attention to what's around you too. You might just find that Keanu's qualities can be found in some special fella right in your own back yard. That's where I found mine. <*)))><
2008-04-05 9:16 am
its ok you will get over it. i used to be in love with hillary duff we have all had our celebrity crushes and we all eventually et ove them for someone better and more realistic. Don't give up on your dream but be a little realistic about them thats all.
2008-04-05 9:13 am
I was just like you during my teenage years. I have been married to a wonderful non famous man for 13 years now. You will look back on this time with fondness.
2008-04-05 9:18 am
Get a hold of yourself girl! You're not in love with him! Get over it, you're never going to meet him, he doesn't know you exist, and I'm sure he would never go out with a 15 year old.

When you're older, you'll find someone who you really love.
2008-04-05 9:15 am
You must and will get over this. You may get his autograph some day, but you can't spend your life chasing a snowflake in the desert. Trust me on this. Sorry.
2008-04-05 9:15 am
u`re not crazy.
u`re just over liking him.... and dats not gud for urself.

its ok if we admirer someone but dont like `em so much.
doesnt matter too if have a dream to meet someone dat we like.

but dont fly so high ...
wen we fall to earth..
it will hurt so much too.
2008-04-05 9:13 am
Don't worry you are not alone. Heaps of teenage girls obsess over celebrity guys! Don't try chasing after him, a hundred + more girls would think the exact same as you so just give up on that thought. You will get over him eventually. But try having crushes on guys at your school. Avoid looking at pictures of Keanu and start your interest on REAL guys. Good luck =]
2008-04-05 9:12 am
i think u should get over him hun
its just a phase :)
evenifit seems to be lasting forever itwill go away
eventually you will meet the guy of ur dreams and it wont be him :)
2008-04-05 9:12 am
i was inlove with samurai-x when i was 12.nway ahh sory but it will never be get a cute guy in school and get a crush on him.that is more realistic
2008-04-05 9:14 am
umm you should defiantly chase after your dream i think thats good every life needs a dream but you also should take in the that his personality and way he does everything is most likly a whole different ball game then what he/she does on t.v so you should not obsess over that person but stay close enough that you can still adore he or her and if its ment to be god will show the chance to you.

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