Correction. Then you will have 20 mark

2008-04-06 6:40 am
1.Everyone want successed but it is quite difficult for someone.

2.Mistake plays an important role in our daily life.

3.Nobody can avoid make a mistake in their whole lives.

4.After that, we can learn from mistakes.


5.Some people said that Hong Kong students have too much pocket money.

6.The reason is about their parents always spoil their children.

7.Nowadays many people are busy to work since they should earn lots of money to support their family livelihood.

8.They have not enough time to play with their children.

9.So they only give their children a lot of money to offset their fault.

10.But it is wrong concept to parents.

11.As a child, nothing is more important than to have parental love.

12.Furthermore, a good deal of students cannot spend their pocket money properly.

13.For example, they spend too much money on entertainment.

14.They just want to get more fun with their friends such as watching movie
and singing karaoke.

15.It is harmful for their financial management.

回答 (3)

2008-04-06 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Everyone wants to be succeed but it is quite difficult for someone.

2.Mistake plays an important role in our daily life.

3.Nobody can avoid making mistakes in their whole lives.

4.After making mistakes, we can learn from it.


5.Some people said that Hong Kong students have too much pocket money.

6.The reason is that their parents always spoil their children.

7.Nowadays many people are busy to work since they should earn lots of money to support their family livelihood.

8.They have not enough time to play with their children.

9.So they only give their children a lot of money to offset their fault.

10.But it is a wrong concept to parents.

11.As a child, nothing is more important than to have parental love.

12.Furthermore, a good deal of students cannot spend their pocket money properly.

13.For example, they spend too much money on entertainment.

14.They just want to get more fun with their friends such as watching movie
and singing karaoke.

15.It is harmful for their financial management.

不明白a good deal of students 的意思
2008-04-06 7:32 am
1.Everyone want to succeed but it is quite difficult for someone.
冇 successed 呢個英文字,只有 success,但因為 success 係名詞,用在這裡便不通順及使文法錯誤。

2. Mistakes play an important role in our daily life.
Mistake 唔可以用單數,因為冇 article

3. Nobody can avoid making a mistake in whole lives.
Nobody 是冇人,既然冇人就唔會有他們 (their) 啦。

4. Correct.

5. Correct.

6.The reason is their parents always spoil their children.

7. Correct.

8. Correct.

9. Correct.

10. But it is the wrong concept for parents.
wrong concept 漏咗 article 「the」。

11.As a child, nothing is more important than parental love.
這句的「to have」使句子成分贅餘。

12. Correct.

13. Correct.

14. Correct.

15. Correct.

2008-04-05 23:43:25 補充:
15. It is harmful to their financial management.
2008-04-06 6:59 am
1.Everyone wanted to be sucessed but it is diffcult for some people
3.Nobody can making avoid making a mistake in their entired life.
4. correct
5. Some people say that hong kong students have too much pocket money.
6.The reason is because their parents always spoil their childs.
11.As a child, nothing is more important than to have parents love.
12.Furthermore, a good deal of students should spent their pocket money properly.

14.They just want to get more fun with their friends such as watching movie
and going to karaoke.

15. It is harmful to their financial management.

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