”專門店” 英文係??

2008-04-06 4:35 am
nokia 有佢既手機專門店, 入面賣既全部都係nokia機,
咁究竟 " nokia 專門店" 英文係咩?

回答 (3)

2008-04-06 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案

Nokia 專門店 英文係 Nokia store, if a store sell many different brand names, they should say that they carry Nokia mobile phones.
參考: I am a native English speaker
2008-04-06 4:37 am
nokia s special shop
參考: me
2008-04-06 8:21 pm
If you want to say " nokia 專門店", you simply say 'Nokia Shop'. because Nokia Shop can't sell Sony Erricson or Samsung mobile phones, so, they don't have to put on Exclusive .....
參考: Self

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