
2008-04-06 4:18 am


回答 (1)

2008-04-06 8:54 pm
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I need to answer u in English because I don't have a writing pad.

Basically Associate degree is borrowed from the American system.

In the US, higher Education is very diversified. For college level (Equivalent
to British undergraduate level), they have 2- year colleges and 4-year colleges.
For the former, they have junior colleges or community colleges. Usually young kids who, for whatever reasons, be it economic or academic, could finish their higher education in 2 years earning an associate degree.

You bet, this is inferior to a 4-year degree (Bachelor degree). However, the beauty of it is that, most of their college work can be transferred to a 4-year college.

In American system, 4 year colleges mean those who can award bachelor degrees. A University (land grant or private) can award doctoral degree. So a lot of so- call Universities are strictly speaking, do not have that status.

I said most of the college work. This is so because transfer of credits always result in losing part of the work. It is particular true if the transfer is made inter-states.

Associate degree surely has its merit. Academically, young kids do not need to do A Level and can be transferred to an American University directly. In some cases a graduate of associate program can enter directly to the third year of an American University.

Professionally, most local employers are still not too familiar with this system. By and large it is equivalent to the British higher diploma program.

During the 80s, only HK Polytechnic ran hi-dip programs. Later, IVY took over while the Poly acquired a University status.

Over the horizon, associate degrees will surely enjoy better recognition. Sooo invest now. It worths !

Why? the local Government is the major stake holder of higher education, and the system is no longer a public system anymore. Like health care, higher education is way too expensive for the govt. to shoulder ..as such, associate degree will definitely prevail.

samuel khou

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