Momentum and collision

2008-04-06 2:02 am
1.Car A 撞向另一物件B時, 物件 B所到受既力點解唔係constant, 而隨時間increase 再 decrease?

2. Car A 撞向另一 物件 B時, Car A 反彈時, 點解個motion sensor 表示佢係uniform deceleration ge?

回答 (1)

2008-04-09 5:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. When two object collide, they are subject to compression and will deform (i.e. change in shape). If the objects are elastic, the resistance force due to deformation becomes larger when the objects deform more. Thus the impact force increase with the degree of deformation of the colliding objects.

As the objects rebound from each other, they return to their original shape. The elastic deformation force will then decrease until the objects separate.

2. Dont understand how your motion sensor measures the acceleration. But I think in the rebound, car A is accelerating in the OPPOSITE direction, which may be interpreted by the senseor as a [decceleration].

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