Airline industry of HK in the future?

2008-04-06 12:58 am
Can anyone help me for the "Airline industry of HK in the future?/ Prospect? "

回答 (1)

2008-04-09 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The factors affecting the airline business in Hong Kong include:

- political factors (eg. China & Taiwan - direct flights)
- tourism industry (eg. tourist growth)
- general economy (eg. people earnings)
- international business (eg. business conventions)
- trade business (eg. imports and exports via air transportation)

Below is an extract from Analysis for Airline IndustryAirline facing increasing globalization, risingfuel prices, heavy repair & maintenance cost, raising labor costs,increasing competition and requirements for higher service levels andgreater flexibility.
The acceptance of China to WorldTrade Organization and Beijing's winning bid for 2008 Olympics isexpected to have a beneficial effect on airline industry to Hong Kong.However, loosening regulation of China's airline industry, additionalflying routes, stake, merger and alliances increase the competition ofHong Kong airline business.
For full details, please subscribe to the article!

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