唔明咩叫reacting masses from chemical equations

2008-04-05 11:51 pm



e.g CuO react C is form by Cu and CO2

CuO mass is 15.00g
C mass is 1.50g

2CuO +C---->2CuO + CO2

number of mole of CuO= 0.1887 mol-1
number of mole of C =0.125 mol-1

2 mole of CuO react 1mole of C

CuO is the limiting reatant (or C is in excess)<<<<<<點解

2 mole of CuO from 1 mole of CO2

Number of mole of Cu formed = 1/2Number of mole of CO2 provided

點解CO2既mole 唔等於 C既mloe 反而=CuO既mole呢

回答 (1)

2008-04-06 2:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. the molar ratio of CuO to C = 2:1
the number of mole of CuO is 0.1887
the number of mole of C used should be 0.09435
there is 0.125 mole of C present.
so C is in excess or CuO is a limiting reactant.
the equation is 2CuO + C ----> 2Cu +CO2
the number of mole of CO2 formed is 1/2 x mole of copper formed
or equal to 1/2x CuO used.

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