English questions

2008-04-05 9:46 pm

1. 食完嘢自己比自己的錢是否叫 pay dutch , 點解? 有沒有其他說法?

2. Maybe 和 may be 有何分別?


回答 (2)

2008-04-06 3:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Going Dutch is a slang term that means that each person eating at a restaurant or paying admission for entertainment pays for himself or herself, rather than one person paying for everyone.It is also called Dutch date and Dutch Treat. We seldom use pay dutch.

2. Maybe means perhaps. eg. he maybe has a brother.

the “be” in "may be" : is , was, were. eg. It may be a new product.
2008-04-10 5:03 am
1. 應該是 go Dutch
Go Dutch 是由 Dutch treat 演變出來的:

Dutch treat翻譯成中文就是「荷蘭式的請客」,但是實際上並沒有人請客。因為Dutch treat是各付各的錢。既然不是荷蘭人請客,那麼Dutch treat和荷蘭人到底有什麼關係呢?

故事得從17世紀說起。我們都知道,17世紀的英國和荷蘭都在試圖建立各自的世界性帝國,為此,兩國間的競爭愈演愈烈,關係異常緊張。為了發洩對對方的不滿情緒,兩國各自發明出了各種說法來侮辱對方。Dutch treat就是其中之一。

Dutch treat的本意是「便宜的、不值錢的」,而如今Dutch treat已失去了其最初的感情色彩,成為「各付己帳」的固定說法,我們也常簡單的說成go Dutch。

同樣意思的說法有: Let's split the bill/Dutch supper

2. Maybe 是副詞(adverb), 意指 可能 如: perhaps or possibly
例: Maybe I will go out tonight.

May be 是動詞片語(Verb phrase) 如: might be or could be
例: I may be going out tonight.

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