window 開始→所有程式→附屬應用程式的捷徑冇晒點算?

2008-04-05 7:22 pm
我不小心把window 開始→所有程式→附屬應用程式的捷徑刪除晒!請問怎樣才可裝回。


回答 (1)

2008-04-05 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
試用window 開始 `搜尋`. 按下 `所有檔案和資料夾`. 寫下 `附屬應用程式` 去搜尋.

2008-04-06 19:57:33 補充:
After you have obtained the files, have you ever tried to put them on the desktop?
The program often appears in the `start` of the window after you have used it once.

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