I am eating oratane, is it good?

2008-04-05 5:53 pm
Dear all,
I am eating oratane, is it good? Or roaccutane ismuch better since the price is much more expensive?

I am eating oratane $2500 per month at a skin expert doctor, is it expensive? Any skin doctor receommend me can get oratane also but much cheaper price? Please help!

回答 (1)

2008-04-06 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Oratane and Roaccutane accually are the same medication - Isotretinoin, this is a vitamin A derivative for severe acne.
There are no difference between Oratane and Roaccutane in terms of active ingredient.
Best wish,

2008-04-07 09:56:26 補充:
Isotretinoin is very expensive, but it is not a good way if you take it for a long time. If the severity of acne reduced, it's the time to ceased it, and replace by other treatment like oral antibiotics or topical products.
參考: I am a dispenser

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