
2008-04-05 2:50 pm

Serum TSH level 1.4 mu/L
Serum FSH level 1.2u/L
Serum LH level 11.1 u/L
Serum oestradiol level 1113mol/L

Serum C reactive protein level 0.4 mg/L
Serum prolactin level 916 mu/L

This is a high molecular weight form of prolactin with low bioavailability.

PEG precipitation has shown a recovery of 78% (normal >60%)
this result confirms the presence of a raised monomeric (biologically active) prolaction, suggest consider other causes of a raised prolact in such as stress or psychoative drugs.

回答 (1)

2008-04-07 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Serum TSH level 1.4 mu/L(血清促甲狀腺激素,正常)
Serum FSH level 1.2u/L(血清卵泡刺激素,正常)
Serum LH level 11.1 u/L(血清黃體生成素,正常)
Serum oestradiol level 1113mol/L(血清雌激素,如無孕時期,高於正常;手上沒有懷孕時的標準,但如有孕此荷爾蒙會上升 )
Serum prolactin level 916 mu/L(血清催乳素,手上沒有懷孕時期的標準,似乎是高於正常)

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